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Fast creating in a pinch

Ever sit down and just don’t know what to draw?

You have you pencil/marker/crayon in your hand ready to go and you press it to the paper and… nothing. Crickets. Nada. Zilch. You’re drawing circles round and round, frustrated because you’re not creating ANYTHING.

With a busy toddler running around, a lot of times I’ll find 20 minutes where I’m able to create but need to get started right away in order to maximize my time. Sometimes it’s hard to get those creative juices flowing. I want to create but I’m not feeling creative. Sound familiar?

It’s ok. It happens to the best of us. There’s so much going on in the world around us- school, work, the craziness that is 2020, it’s hard to focus and cut out the noise.

But I have a solution and it’s oh so simple. Want to know the secret?

Ok, here it is: The best way to get over the hump is to just power through and keep drawing.

But wait a second, you’re probably saying, I just told you I have nothing in my brain. No creative spark, no ideas, nothing. It’s just a big swirl of empty clouds and useless movie trivia up there.

That’s where the prompt guide comes in! I love prompt guides because it allows me to not have to think up ideas on the spot and allows me to just create immediately. It gives you a who, a what, and a where. That’s all you need to start creating.

Download and print my free prompt guide. Cut out along the lines and fold the papers in half, then place The Who’s, What’s, and Where’s in different bowls. I picked up this awesome pencil holder at #HomeGoods, and it is perfect for this activity. Use whatever have- bowls, hats, ziploc bags. It doesn’t matter, as long as you keep the prompts separate.

When you don’t know what to create, go to your bowls and grab one paper out of each section. Now you have a person, an item, and a scene to create. It really helps me to get those creative juices flowing on the days when I just have nothing up there.

Download the prompts here:

What will you create? Show me your creations in the comments- I’d love to see!



© 2022  Helena Picard Shevitz

Specializing in nursery art & decor and custom designs  - LittleBigbit

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